Support Down East Singers
We thank you for your generosity…
Your generous contribution is tax deductible and will help pay for singer scholarships (our high school members sing with us for free), the rental and purchase of music, soloists and musicians fees, piano tuning and maintenance, rehearsal and performance space rental, and general expenses.
Our 2024 Individual Supporters
($1,000 & ABOVE)
Ross Faneuf
BENEFACTOR ($500 TO $999)
Susan Hyde
Peter Warren
PATRON ($250 TO $499)
Rona Hokanson
Seth Lester
Cathy & Hayden Sears
John Wood
SPONSOR ($100 TO $249)
Rebecca Hansard
Susan St John
Scott J Bell
John and Mary Alice Bird
Benjamin Fuller
Anita Goodwin
Charlotte Gulezian
John Hoff
Barbara & Bruce Malone
Carter Meyer
Nick Railsback
Diana Rigg
Paul & Martha Rogers
Marti Stone
DONOR ($50 TO $99)
Lucy Nutter (Puryer)
Natalie Norris
Lloyd & Marjorie Roberts
Paul Neuhauser
Mary Nelson
2024 Business Sponsors
Ily Shofestall Somatics
Virtuoso Salon
James Brannan, Attorney
Affordable Home Improvements